Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2014 (my first Mother's Day)

Being a new mom has taught me so much about my own mother. Even though there is the largest distance ever between us geographically, I feel closer to her than ever before. My feelings toward Eisley have given me an amazing perspective on my own mother's life 25 years ago. When I sit in the car for hours so I don't have to wake my sleeping baby, I think of her. When chubby fingers pinch my skin or little feet step on tender places, I think of her. When I gush with joy and love over my sweet little girl, I think of her. It gives me confidence and encouragement knowing she's felt the things I feel, she's walked the path I've walked. When one day my daughter has a child of her own, she too will understand. The biggest realization I've made is to finally understand the depth of the fierce love my mom has for me. I finally have a glimpse of the magnitude of her sacrifices and the immense effort she put into raising me.
Thank you for sacrificing your comfort for mine, for listening to my troubles when you were troubled yourself, for giving me the last bite, and all of your other selfless sacrifices. Most of all, thank you for teaching me that it is worth it.                                                              
My mom with her parents and my brother, sister, and I. I am the little 4 month old :)
Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms in my life. Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mom Joann. I am so thankful you were by my side, encouraging me when my baby was born. I enjoy your support each and every day along this journey. I cannot express how much I appreciate all that you continue to do for me.
I love you Mom!

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